
제 2회 아시아 퍼시픽 외발자전거 하키대회

관리자 0 3,409 2009.05.21 10:33
홍콩에서 제 2회 아시아 퍼시픽 외발자전거 하키대회에 대한 초청장이 왔습니다.
날짜는 2009년 8월21일~23일 금,토,일이고, 더 자세한 준비일정은 빠른 시일에
다시 연락을 준다고 합니다. 우리 협회에서는 6월 중 선수를 선발할 예정입니다.
홍콩에서 보내온 전문은 다음과 같습니다.

Hi everyone

Hong Kong is pleased to propose the next Asia Pacific Unicycle Championship.  Hooray!

It's a two-and-a-half-day programme, being a Friday arrival and evening dinner event, all-day Saturday hockey tournament and all-day Sunday track and field, with a formal/social closing event in the evening.

The dates are: 21-23 August 2009. 

How is that for you?  (without making an absolute commitment) 
We have the basic facilities booking in place, the commitment as hosts, and expect to go ahead with this date, but if everyone says '"naah", of course we'll re-think.  Cheap accommodation at a single site is being negotiated, and we are asking for a contribution towards the basic costs of the event, keeping it as low as possible.)

We are contacting other potential teams in the region (even stretching to South Africa, why not?).

Let's roll!@


(Please forward this as necessary if you can't speak for all teams/players in your country.)


 E-mail. k-u-a@naver.com